Allan Young

Attic Salt Photography - Allan Young - Seated - AdobeRGB.jpg

MBBS, MSpMed, PhD FRACS (Orth)

Dr Allan Young completed his surgical training in Sydney, for which he was awarded the Gordon-Taylor medal by the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons for achieving the highest marks across all surgical disciplines. Dr Young completed post-fellowship training in shoulder surgery at Royal North Shore Hospital. In addition, he spent one year learning advanced shoulder surgery techniques.

In addition to medical and orthopaedic surgery qualification, Dr Young has completed a Masters in Sports medicine at the University of New South Wales and a Doctor of Philosophy at the University of Sydney. He specialises in rotator cuff repair, osteoarthritis, total shoulder replacement, reverse shoulder replacement, reconstruction and management. Dr Young combines his clinical knowledge and experience with scientific evidence to provide the best advice and management possible as a shoulder surgeon.


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